THRIFTY TUESDAYS LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES: Summer is almost upon us and it’s time to get ready for Thrifty Tuesdays. Beginning on Tuesday, June 5th, our children, tweens and youth will get together for a day of fun. We’ll meet at the church at 9:00 and hear to The Grand Theater in D’Iberville. The cost for the movie is $4.00 which includes a box of popcorn and kid’s soda. Following the movie, there will be a picnic lunch and a different afternoon activity each week. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex each week.
Each event costs $10.00 per person
Please bring a picnic lunch and towel
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday, June 5th, Thrifty Tuesday: Let’s Go to the Movies – Ferdinand. Afterwards, Picnic Lunch, Sand Hill Crane Refuge.
Tuesday, June 12th, Thrifty Tuesday: Let’s Go to the Movies – The Boss Baby. Afterwards, Picnic lunch, Alice Mosely Museum.
Tuesday, June 19th, Thrifty Tuesday: Let’s Go to the Movies – Kung Fu Panda 3. Afterwards, Picnic Lunch, Coast Model Railroad Museum.
Tuesday, June 26th: No Activities, Youth Retreat.