Christ in us, the hope of glory!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Dinner on the Grounds

MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND SAVE THE DATE!  OUR ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT AND DINNER ON THE GROUNDS will be held on Sunday, April 9th, immediately following the 10:00 Worship Service.  For lunch we will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs.  Please bring side dishes and desserts. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

We will be collecting candy to fill the Easter eggs.  Please bring hard candies and no chocolate. We also need plastic Easter Eggs. There will be a place set up in the Narthex for you to bring bags of candy.  If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Angeline Groves at (228) 380-0588 or Andi Moore at (228) 861-4369.